Maria Barbosa
Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
Microalgae for a Circular and Bio-Economy
Prof. dr. Maria Barbosa is Professor in Bioprocess Engineering and is Director of AlgaePARC (www.AlgaePARC.com) at Wageningen University and Research Centre, the Netherlands. She has been president of the Dutch Biotechnology Association (NBV) and is a member of the European Algae Biomass Association (EABA) steering group. She holds a Ph.D. in Bioprocess Engineering obtained at Wageningen University. She has worked at ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Switzerland, IBET, and at EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organisation), Germany. She presently leads the group on microalgal biotechnology and coordinates several large research programs covering the entire microalgae production chain. Her scientific interests are in microalgae strain improvement, process design and scale-up.